Flower arrangements

Gentle Touch Arrangement Gentle Touch Arrangement

Gentle Touch Arrangement

A lively, fresh fusion of pink, orange, yellow and green which emanates ethereal beauty and brightness. This arrangement will surely touch anyone! A white ceramic pot with fresh roses and chrysanthemu.....

BGN 28.00
Feeling Box Feeling Box

Feeling Box

We offer you our arrangement Feeling. A sensual box, filled with irresistible yellow roses, beautiful eustomas with mixed colours, balls of green carnation and a delicate mix of greenery. The most bea.....

BGN 50.00
Especially for You Box	Especially for You Box

Especially for You Box

  Especially for you is our design of an irresistible purple rose, a mysterious peach eustoma with a ball of green carnation as an accent and a lot of exotic greens. A wonderful gesture to t.....

BGN 48.00
Passion Flower Arrangement Passion Flower Arrangement

Passion Flower Arrangement

Say I love you with the simple Passion flower arrangement. A special selection of five Ecuadorian roses together with gentle asparagus and delicate eucalyptus in a rattan pot. The&.....

BGN 39.00
Good Morning Arrangement Good Morning Arrangement

Good Morning Arrangement

Give this for the best start of a wonderful day! Creating an explosion of vibrations and tenderness, this arrangement put in a ceramic pot is a wonderful surprise of the day. It’s a combination of del.....

BGN 28.00
Showing 37 to 41 of 41 (4 Pages)